To register for our Mersey Soccer Club programs, you'll need the following:
- Create an account with Mersey Soccer Club
- For Recreational League Play, you'll need a headshot of your player, and copy of your child's birth certificate (can be a photo of the birth certificate that you upload)
- Have health insurance information on hand (company, policy holder and number)
- Have payment method available to check out
- Be sure to purchase our Mersey uniform if you don't already have one (shipping can take 2-5 weeks)
- If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at [email protected]
Registration Form Tips:
• "Parent 1" is you, the user who created the account
• "Parent 2" is only needed if you would like to include another caregiver's information
• "Player Photo" (headshot) and "Birth Certificate" are only required for our Recreational League Play
• "Signed Waiver" and "Release of Liability" are NOT required, so no need to upload anything!
Ready to Join Mersey? REGISTER HERE!